Become a Member

Becoming a member helps send a clear message to our lawmakers that as voters we hold them accountable for how they vote on animal related laws and issues. We offer a variety of membership levels to fit everyone’s needs. If you have any questions please contact us.

Basic Membership


Basic membership includes email alerts on important legislation affecting animals, notification about CVA related events and activities, and information to help you look up your elected officials at the local, state and federal levels.

Basic Signup

Student Membership


Students in high school, community college, university, and veterinarian tech courses get a discounted membership rate. You will still get all of the benefits of the Basic Membership level.

Student Signup

Senior Membership


For those on a fixed income , we offer seniors 65 or over a discounted membership fee. You will still get all of the benefits of the Basic Membership level.

Senior Signup

Animal Hero Membership


In addition to the benefits of a Basic Membership, Animal Hero’s receive insider information on legislative activity, invitations to special CVA related events, and access to CVA’s online library (still being developed) that contains articles and materials related to a wide variety of animal issues.

Animal Hero Signup


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